Modern maintenance that brings the joy back into your space

+ Transformative Organization

+ Interior Design


feeling overwhelmed with clutter?


We tackle your unorganized spaces and transform them into refreshing, beautiful, and functional places in your home.

Here are a few common spaces we can help you tackle:


+ Closets

+ Pantries

+ Playrooms

+ Kitchens

+ Garages

+ Home Offices

+ Laundry Rooms

+ More



The Lo Maintenance Living Way


Whether your project involves styling for aesthetics, setting up for functionality only, or a combination of both, LML will organize and transform your space while implementing a system that is practical for your lifestyle, reduces overwhelm, and is easy to maintain—yay! 



Purge & Sort



Zone & Style



Enjoy & Maintain


Meet Lo

Hey there! I’m Lauren (also known as Lo), founder of LML. As a little girl, you could often find me purging and organizing my way through the pantries, kitchens, and closets of friends’ and family members’ homes. Since then, it’s been a dream to bring that passion to my own business so I could spark that same joy for others. At LML, we eliminate the everyday stresses of clutter, disfunction, and the uncertainty of knowing where to begin. Helping others get their lives back in order so that they can enjoy their homes again is why I began LML, because I believe that everyone should experience a lifestyle that promotes a sense of calm and joy— I call it “Lo Maintenance Living.” Cheers!


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